
The Link Between Stubborn Weight and Hormonal Imbalances

Jan 23, 2025
The Link Between Stubborn Weight and Hormonal Imbalances

Feeling discouraged by a lack of weight loss progress? A hormone evaluation can shed light on what’s really going on. Learn why unbalanced hormones contribute to stubborn fat and how medical weight loss can help.

When you can’t seem to lose weight, even with a strict diet and consistent exercise, it’s time to schedule a hormone evaluation at RegenMed Health Centers. Identifying an underlying hormone balance early can help you get back on track to reaching your weight loss goals and restore balance in many of your biological systems.

Ellen Lin, MD, specializes in evidence-based medical weight loss services, including in-depth DNA analysis. Dr. Lin provides personalized resources for women and men to rebalance their hormones and jumpstart their weight loss journey.

If you’re struggling to lose stubborn fat, keep reading to find out why your hormones may be to blame.

Hormones and your metabolism

Hormones are the body's chemical messengers that circulate through your bloodstream and tell your biological systems what to do. Your endocrine glands produce various hormones, including testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen, that play a role in biological processes like:

  • Mood
  • Body temperature
  • Reproduction
  • Menstruation

Hormones also play a critical role in your metabolism and blood sugar, regulating how cells use glucose (sugar) from your diet for energy.

Unbalanced or low hormone levels can trigger metabolic dysfunction, increasing fat storage around the midsection, fatigue, and unhealthy cravings. These side effects can cause unexpected weight gain and make it harder to lose stored fat despite a healthy lifestyle and a well-balanced diet.

Factors that play into a hormone imbalance

The environment influences hormone levels, underlying health issues, lifestyle choices, and diet. Even a minor hormone imbalance can negatively affect overall wellness and well-being.

Common causes of unbalanced hormones include:

  • Aging
  • Genetics
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic stress
  • Thyroid disease
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Pollution and other environmental toxins
  • Steroids, birth control pills, and other medications

RegenMed Health Centers offers comprehensive hormone testing for men and women.  A blood sample detects low or imbalanced hormone levels so we can customize a care plan to regulate hormones and restore balance in the endocrine system.

Hormone regulation and weight loss

Our medical weight loss programs focus on strategies that help you make lifelong changes that support a healthy weight.

Dr. Lin uses the Seca® biometric medical scale to assess water, muscle, bone, and fat percentages in your body’s tissues. She also considers the results of your hormone testing to design your weight loss plan.

If you have a hormone imbalance, you may need to take prescription hormones to supplement what your body makes naturally. Balanced hormones revitalize your energy levels so you can do more. A stable metabolic system also makes calories easier to burn and alters fat distribution throughout the body.

As your metabolism increases, Dr. Lin provides nutritional counseling and weight loss coaching to help you shed stubborn fat and keep it off for good.

Call RegenMed Health Centers in San Antonio, Texas, today to schedule a medical weight loss consultation or book an appointment online.