Medical weight loss is an effective way to achieve a healthy body weight under the supervision of a medical professional.
At RegenMed Health Centers, we offer customized medical weight loss programs to support your wellness goals. Highly skilled physician Ellen Lin, MD, has extensive experience helping men and women successfully lose weight and integrate lifelong changes that support their health.
Dr. Lin continues to offer support as you navigate your weight loss journey so you can keep excess weight off for good.
A medical weight loss program focuses on your individual health needs and challenges to lose weight. Your customized program includes strategies that support safe, effective weight loss over a period of time based on the amount of weight you need to lose.
Your weight loss plan may include:
Dr. Lin can also address underlying medical conditions like diabetes that interfere with your metabolism and ability to lose weight.
While not always the first line of treatment, weight loss medications are also available to revitalize your metabolism, so it’s easier for you to burn calories and shed excess weight.
The medical weight loss programs available at RegenMed Health Centers are ideal for adults who are ready to lose weight but can’t achieve their goals on their own. Even with a good diet and regular exercise, weight loss can prove difficult as you age and your body changes how it stores fat.
You may also be a candidate for medical weight loss if you already have or are at risk for obesity-related diseases like:
Losing even a small percentage of excess weight can lower your risk factors for these chronic conditions and make existing health issues easier to manage. You can also reduce your risk for chronic pain, that’s common in people who are overweight or obese.
At your initial medical weight loss consultation at RegenMed Health Centers, Dr. Lin completes a thorough evaluation of your health.
Dr. Lin may also request bloodwork or other diagnostic labs to identify health issues that interfere with successful weight loss. She also uses biometric medical scales from Seca® to assess the bone, water, fat, and muscle percentages of your body.
Based on your test results, Dr. Lin designs a weight loss plan, sets milestones for your journey, and holds you accountable for your results at follow-up appointments. As you reach each milestone, Dr. Lin continues to offer support so you can set and achieve new goals.
You learn how to make healthier food choices, practice better eating habits, and engage in daily exercises that help you burn fat and build muscle. The coaching services included in your program also provide insight into the factors that play a role in weight gain and what keeps you motivated to achieve your wellness goals.
Call RegenMed Health Centers in San Antonio, Texas, today to schedule a medical weight loss consultation or book an appointment online.