
Why It's Important to Have Balanced Hormones

Apr 15, 2024
Why It's Important to Have Balanced Hormones

The weight gain, memory loss, and other side effects of a hormone imbalance can be exhausting for men and women. Learn what contributes to imbalanced hormones and learn more about the available treatment options. 

Hormones are the body's chemical messengers, so even a slight imbalance in their levels can cause serious dysfunction in your biological processes.

At RegenMed Health Centers, we specialize in optimizing women’s and men’s health. Ellen Lin, MD, has extensive experience using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and other strategies to bring your hormones back into balance.

Dr. Lin can also provide insight into what’s causing the imbalance so you can prevent symptoms from returning.

Why your hormones are imbalanced

Your endocrine system produces hormones that travel throughout your body and tell many of your biological systems what to do. When this process doesn’t work as it should, too few or too many hormones may be produced.

Dysfunction in hormone production that can lead to an imbalance may be the result of a short-term condition like stress or a chronic one such as thyroid disease. Other potential causes of a hormone imbalance include:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Use of hormonal birth control or steroids

Age-related changes in the body can also contribute to a hormone imbalance. As women age and near the end of their childbearing years, their bodies slow down the creation of reproductive hormones like estrogen.

In men, aging contributes to the loss of testosterone, a condition called low testosterone or low T.

What to expect when your hormones are imbalanced

Keeping your hormones in proper balance is essential to good health. When you have too much or too little of certain hormones, your body won’t function as it should, and you can experience a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms.

Both men and women can experience symptoms of a hormone imbalance that include:

  • Hair loss
  • Skin tags
  • Weight gain
  • Dry, thin skin
  • Hot flashes
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Memory and concentration issues
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort

Women often experience irregular periods, vaginal dryness, and pain with sex. Men might experience a loss of muscle mass, erectile dysfunction (ED), and enlargement of the breast tissue (gynecomastia).  Male and female infertility can also be an unwanted side effect of a hormone imbalance.

Correcting a hormone imbalance with HRT

At RegenMed Health Centers, we offer customized treatment plans to correct hormone imbalances and relieve the worst of your symptoms.

Hormone replacement therapy is an effective tool for regulating your hormones. Treatment involves taking supplemental hormones that are similar to the hormones your body already produces.

Dr. Lin evaluates your medical history and current health to determine whether you qualify for HRT. She offers blood testing to assess your hormone levels and can recommend the best hormone delivery method for your needs, such as oral pills, injections, creams, and pellets.

Many people feel relief from their symptoms soon after starting therapy. However, finding the optimum dosage for your body can take time. Dr. Lin monitors your treatment progress and can adjust your HRT plan as needed.

Other treatment options for imbalanced hormones

If you’re not a candidate for HRT due to existing health issues or a sensitivity to hormones, Dr. Linn discusses what other treatments you can explore. She may recommend lifestyle changes and diet modifications that support your overall health and keep your symptoms under control.

RegenMed Health Centers also offers medically supervised weight loss services to help you achieve a healthy body weight. Since obesity can contribute to imbalanced hormones, our weight loss program can serve as a preventive resource to reduce your risk for further hormone-related complications.

Call RegenMed Health Centers in San Antonio, Texas, today to schedule a hormone evaluation or book an appointment online.